1. kidnap and ransom insurance
This is a very strange insurance forms. Usually when you guarantee something, i.e. you are quite confident that it can happen or there are signs of demonstrating the possibility of it. Life insurance is an example for all of us eventually must die. So there is only the celebrities, the wealthy or the new paranoid buying insurances kidnap and ransom? Of course it is not. A lot of people who work in places where there is high risk of abduction as Venezuela, Somalia, Nigeria, Russia ... this insurance form option. An interesting thing is, this type of insurance is often the employers buy workers while workers do not even know about it.
2. insurance after being kidnapped by aliens
Perhaps this is the form most insurance in the world. Basically, if a person is kidnapped by aliens, that person will receive compensation. This insurance is quite cheap. Usually you only lost about 150 Board each year, and can get back the amount of 1.5 million pounds if the abduction occurred.Besides, when a person says they were kidnapped by aliens, they must provide evidence of that. Of course, taking the form of coverage is what insurance companies to donate a Christmas gift. But surprisingly many people still willing to pay for that.
3. The form of the other eccentric insurance
The form of this insurance subject to specific individuals. Tom Jones decided skipped out to 7 million dollars to buy insurance for his chest fur. Maybe Tom Jones is the person who most understand the value of these seemingly hairs as "nonsense" and that is also the reason why we now have to step over the age of 70 but he still makes women are crazy. Meanwhile, Australian athlete-Merv Hughes, who always remembered with the bushy mustache and the impression was spent to 225 thousand pounds to buy insurance for his mustache.