32 year-old Michaelis, was dubbed the "master mix". You have the ability to identify a type of tea between thousands of kind in just a few seconds. Michaelis said the tea distribution as well as the art of brewing alcohol. Therefore, you must consider both the technical characteristics, the flavor and the color of tea.
"First, I checked the colors, sizes and thickness of thin tea leaves. Then I reviews in tea water and taste in the mouth, "Michaelis said on CNN. He had lost nearly 10 years going around the tea gardens in India and Africa to enhance the ability to try their tea.
This is a dream of many people. Candidates who want to work for Tetley will have to undergo a training course of 5 years. Tetley tea tasting staff 1. But only the new insurance package purchased Michaelis of up to a million dollars.
Tetley created in 1837 in England. They are the manufacturer and distributor of tea the second-largest in the world with over 60 brands in 40 countries. Drinking tea is traditional British culture. On average, the country consume 165 million cups each day.
Before very many famous Michaelis, and other wealth had also spent a million USD to cover the parts on his body bankability. Supermodel Heidi Klum is said to have bought insurance for 2 million USD for the legs. Also the legendary band's guitar Rolling Stones-Keith Richards also rumored spent 1.6 million dollars for two hands.