... Red car proved expensive to insure?

Youth America's not superstition, 53% of Gen Y customers (around 20 and 30 years old) still believe the "myth" about buying a red car have to pay higher premiums. 
This is the opinion of 44% of US consumers in a recent study on insuranceQuotes.com, an insurance comparison sites online. 53% of Gen Y customers (around 20 and 30 years old) still believe the "myth" of the red car to be true. This is also the thought of a 45% college graduates and 42% of Americans with household incomes of about $ 75,000 annually or more. 

Many automobile insurance companies can consider many factors to consider affect the calculation of the sum insured, but the color was not what they thought. Loretta Worters, vice president for communications at the Insurance Information Institute in New York (United States) said on CNBC television website: "The colors are not related to the actuarial rate. I think people just keep this practice just because of word of mouth alone. " 
In fact, some auto insurers never even ask what color you like when you ask them to send the price .According to car insurer Geico reputation (USA): "A red car did not get more of your money than a blue, yellow, black or blue. Insurance companies are interested in using the product, texture, pattern, types of chassis, engine size and age of your vehicle. And whether you recognize all based on the color of the car, it's a different story. " 

Laura Adams, senior analyst insuranceQuotes.com page in a recent report, said:" All things this shows that millions of Americans need to review what included and not included in the car insurance package ". 

and this is not the only story circulated about car insurance. 44% of Americans still hold wrong beliefs that insurers will not pay if the fault belongs to the vehicle user. In fact, most of the insurance agreement will support repair payments even if the accident was caused by you.InsuranceQuotes.com identified sites most Gen Y customers are not even aware of this. 

In addition, 17% of Americans do not grasp the handlebars residence localities can be a great influence factor ratios they must pay insurance. By following Worters vice president: "If you live in the cities, you have to pay more than if you live in the suburbs because of clear urban always more people." 

In general, in the city rate of vandalism, theft and accidents are often higher than rural areas.However, a large population is not the only reason for this situation. Insurance rates can vary based on the cost and frequency of litigation, auto repair and health care expenses, the possibility of insurance fraud and the impact of weather. Also, cars were burgled content nor in insurance payments. 34% of American car owners believe that the spare parts were "junk" from their car will be the insurance company for payment. This is not true because the protection of property stolen belongs to the scope of responsibilities of the landlord and tenant insurance.

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